A.1. Permits and call for interest
The proposed installation purpose is to recycle plastic Film from MSW (Municipal Solid Waste). The installation is temporary and therefore subject to the granting of environmental authorization (integrated or unified). Also, it is necessary to notify to the regional environmental board the activity that will be done.
The installation of the plant will be carried out in an industrial warehouse in an industrial estate with all the municipal services available. The necessary actions are limited to adapt the interior installation of the ship to the needs of the project, such as adding or removing electrical outlets or sanitation, if necessary.
The consortium will also identify through calls for interest relevant providers for equipment and machinery. Given that the different stages of the line will have to be specifically designed for the purpose of this project and will need to be perfectly compatible and complementary with the other stages and auxiliary elements of the solution (monitoring, energy and water supply, etc.).
B.1. Raw materials quantification and products specifications
The general objective of this action is to perform an identification and characterisation of the input material to the plant.
The high heterogeneity of raw material, the influence of local conditions and the variability of sampling methodologies generally limits the applicability of compositional data in situations outside the original context.
One of the aims of the action is to provide a consistent framework for raw material characterization activities and thereby support the establishment of transparent composition datasets. The specific objectives will be to:
(i) introduce a material sampling and sorting methodology, (ii) apply this methodology in a concrete sampling campaign, (iii) evaluate the methodology based on statistical analysis of the obtained datasets.
B.2. Design, purchase and site preparation
The objective of this action is to design and construct all the equipment that will be needed and installed in the pilot line. The pilot line will be designed with the following capabilities:
Produce 500 kg/h of recycled PE film. In order to demonstrate technical and economical feasibility the pilot plant must have between 1/2 and 1/3 full-scale industrial capacity.
End-product quality. Manufactured end-product must achieve both good mechanical and aesthetical functionalities in order to be marketable. This involves, among others, the elimination of smells and naked eye noticeable impurities, and features such as colour.
Demonstrate the individual performance and set of equipment installed to deal with this type of material
Know the actual operation, maintenance and repair costs for this recycling technique.
B.3. Installation, validation and operation
This action includes the installation of the facility and all planned industrial tests that will establish the optimum process/operation parameters, demonstrating the technical and economic feasibility of the new recycling technology. This technology exhibits several advantages and innovativeness over conventional waste management techniques.
All tests foreseen in action B3 will run at pre-industrial scale in the pilot plant to be stablished in Alhendín. A large number of trials will be required to define the set of optimum parameters for the various machines and components within the line.
B.4. Replication and transferability
To ensure replicability, LIFE4FILM technology will be tested with raw material from various places in the Spanish geography as well as different countries in Europe. The partners will provide MSW from Germany, as an example of countries with high waste separation, and Poland, representative of east-European countries. FCC will supply raw material from its plants in England. Equipment will be calibrated in order to be replicated throughout the European territory.
C1 – Monitoring the project impact on the environmental problem addressed
C2 – Monitoring of the socio-economic impacts
This sub-action aims at defining a methodology and tools to ensure an effective monitoring of the expected results and of the set of specific indicators during the project and 3 years after the end of the project
Several tools will be installed to ensure an effective monitoring of the line performance. The monitoring tools will be tested and updated if needed during the functional validation sub-action
The aim of this action is the evaluation of the socio-economic impact of the project through the estimation of costs and economic and social benefits, from the point of view of the population and local economy.
The socio-economic impact assessment will be useful to measure the impact and benefits of the project LIFE and its actions on the population, economic activity, environment, infrastructure, as well as of any socioeconomic activity, including legislative and regulatory changes.
D1 – Public awareness and dissemination of results
The objective of this action is to carry out an exchange of knowledge, experiences, methodologies, and best practices with the other projects (LIFE and other European projects) so that the results generated in other projects can be integrated to improve the implementation of the LIFE4FILM project and to optimize its results, its replicability and to promote the transfer of the results.
Other LIFE projects have already been identified where the LIFE4LIFE project will initiate networking activities. Related projects, financed by European Framework programmes and H2020 programme have also been identified.
E1 – Overall Project Management
The LIFE4FILM project joins a team of seven partners from three European countries that has been conceived in order to exchange knowledge among the water resource sector. The seven partners will take active part in the project and in the actions planned.
Based on the number of partners in the project and on its roles, management strategy has been defined accordingly as follows.